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Feeling lost? 


Have no idea on how things work here?


So this is the place I will try to explain things out!


This website uses to the MAX the GALLERY feature offered by Wix.


You will find it everywhere and they work quite differently depending on what we want to show.


When you go to our "Diaries" the gallery works as a big menu, where you can see a preview with a short explanation of what you will find when you click it, and when you click it will take you to another page within our website where you will find all we have to say about that subject.




At the "Don't Miss" you will find another gallery that has the intent show all our biases in a calendar style feature, where you hover your mouse to see the name and the date of birth from every person separately, and then by clicking any image you will open the slides and you will be able to see all images just like in Facebook, Twitter or Tumblr. XD


But unlike usual calendars divided into months it is all divided in Astrological Signs and (probably) with 2 galleries one for my biases and another for Jeh's biases.









Within our personal pages we usually have galleries to show images alongside texts and/or videos, having everything in one place.

At that example I have 2 galleries with different layouts to show screenies and images from the game: one for everything I find interesting to show and another with a specific purpose ^^.



Wix offers a lot of different gallery styles that we can choose from to fit our purposes making the process building the pages easier, cleaner and faster, once you get used with the feature and how it works.



I'm still working at the layout and functions. You can find informations about all the major changes, new pages/features and other random things at our "Journal" that works exactly like any blog you see around ( like Blogger or Wordpress).


Any other doubt about how things work at the website or if you have a good idea on how we can improve please drop a line ^^. 



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